Collectives, Arts Organising, Funding

Rachel Dobbs on Fundraising

Rachel Dobbs shares a range of use­ful tools and resources from the per­spec­tive of a ser­i­al freelancer.

A step-by-step diagram illustrating the process of running a Crowdfunder campaign

Once you have worked out what you would like to work on, you can use this arts and community fundraising quickstart guide to help develop your ideas by identifying the need for a new project, setting clear aims and objectives, creating a fundraising story canvas and applying for funding.

If you are applying to Arts Council England’s Project Grants, I would of course recommend using the ACE Cheatsheet that I prepared a few years ago to save some time.

Finally, if you are thinking about crowdfunding, there are masses of resources here to help you get started. I would particularly recommend “How to start crowdfunding: a beginner’s guide to resources & advice” and “Crowdfunding: How to fund in 48 hours” as a crash course.

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