
Rachel Dobbs on Insurance for Freelancers

Rachel Dobbs shares a range of use­ful tools and resources from the per­spec­tive of a ser­i­al freelancer.


If you work as an artist, organiser or creative freelancer, check out a-n’s insurance policies for Public & Products Liability and Professional Indemnity, one-off exhibitions and covering freelancers working in arts consultancy, curating, commissioning, project management and research.

If you work as a freelance technician in AV, sound, lighting or video editing, join BECTU for affordable public liability cover, personal accident cover & reduced rates on Media Freelancer Insurance (to cover your kit while you work).

If you run events, check out Hiscox's tailored one-off events policies or search “multiple events insurance UK” to get cheaper cover for two or more events per year.
