Rights & Pay, Funding

The White Pube's Funding Library

The White Pube’s Fund­ing Library is a resource of suc­cess­ful fund­ing appli­ca­tions to a range of fund­ing bod­ies to help you write your own application.


"Funding applications are forms you complete and submit to funding bodies, organisations or trusts in the hopes of gaining money to support something you would like to do. In the arts, funding covers all sorts: a gallery’s running costs and programming, artist fees, staff payment, materials, money for research and development, marketing, printing, production, archiving, organisational development, travel… everything really. The arts relies on it. Artists and groups apply for themselves and if they’re lucky, they’ll get something; and big galleries apply to lots of different private and public funders in order to make up their big budgets. But knowing where to start when writing an application can be difficult; knowing who to apply to can be tricky as well.

This library is a resource of successful funding applications that you can learn from. Take a look and see if anything can help you out – and look at what is being applied to and where, and check out the funders these are addressed to see to if they are appropriate for your project."
