Professional Development
The WEVAA professional development programme was developed to support the ambition of artists living locally and increase resilience to challenges experienced in the current climate.
Spike Island Associates is a professional development network for artists, curators, designers, writers and producers at all stages of their careers. Over the three-year WEVAA programme, SpikeAssociates has broadened its reach within the South West, developing deeper connections between artists, arts workers and organisations in the region. They have worked with local artists and curators, including Theresa Bergne, Roseanna Dias, Zoe Li, Natasha MacVoy and Art & People; as well as collaborating with local organisations such as Weston Art Space, Bath Spa University, OSR Projects and Somerset Art Works.
The VASW online programme covered a wide range of key skills and has included workshops, training opportunities and mentoring. Thematic seasons have looked at sustaining practice; working in and with public/s; climate justice, racial & social precarity and communities of resistance with dhaqan collective; writing as communication and practice; and access support and disability representation with Amanda Lynch. Workshop leaders included Can Altay, Ama Josephine Budge, Benjamin Cook, Dr Cara Courage, dove / Chris Kirubi, Janine Francois, Maria Fusco, Gaylene Gould, Ceri Hand, Amal Khalaf, Migrants in Culture, Heather Peak, Saziso Phiri, Jamila Prowse, Christopher Samuel, George Vasey and Cathy Waller.
Commissioned resources and editorial related to the programme can be found below.