Workshops & Courses

Woodland Photography Masterclass with Paul Mitchell

Land­scape pho­tog­ra­ph­er Paul Mitchell leads a one-day wood­land pho­tog­ra­phy masterclass.

This one-day masterclass held 'in the field' in a location to be confirmed but within 25 miles of Bovey Tracey, Devon, will show Paul’s thought processes as to how he looks for compositions in woodland.

It will offer practical guidance on the use of filters in woodland including the most useful filter - a polariser! Paul will cover and recommend getting back to basics by using the camera in manual mode for both focussing and exposures, choosing the right focal length and aperture, and the importance of white balance. He will cover varying aspect ratios i.e. 2x3, 4x3, 1x1 etc.

Once booked we will confirm the location of this event by email within 2 weeks of the date of the event.

There is another opportunity to do this masterclass on Sunday 15 October, 10am-4pm.