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MAKE Southwest

MAKE South­west is an acclaimed exhi­bi­tion space for con­tem­po­rary craft and design as well as a lead­ing char­i­ty for craft education.

MAKE Southwest (formerly Devon Guild of Craftsmen) is an acclaimed exhibition space for contemporary craft and design as well as a leading charity for craft education.

Located in Bovey Tracey on the edge of Dartmoor, our large gallery and shop offer a great venue with inspiring exhibitions and events, encouraging people to support, make and learn about contemporary craft.

We represent over 250 makers throughout the entirety of the Southwest; we promote making practices through our craft education charity and champion creativity through our programme of free craft exhibitions.

MAKE Southwest was founded as Devon Guild of Craftsmen in 1955 by a small group of makers, led by Edward Baly, who were enthusiastic about the idea of promoting the best in regional craftwork. From 1956, and for the next 30 years, annual exhibitions at venues throughout South Devon were enthusiastically received.

In 1986 the organisation took the massive step of purchasing Riverside Mill. The building now houses a shop and 3 exhibition galleries, which stage over 20 exhibitions throughout the year!

In November 2021 the organisation changed its name to MAKE Southwest to more accurately represent their offering.

MAKE Southwest is a registered charity with educational aims, and profits from its trading ventures help to subsidise this work, which includes the exhibition programme, projects in schools and community groups, lectures and training.

Apart from a handful of items, the MAKE Southwest shop sells only the work of its Members, while the exhibitions aim to show a broad range of the best craft from around the country.

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