
Women in Tech

As part of the Immerse Full­dome UK 2022 fes­ti­val, hear from a pan­el of incred­i­ble women about their jour­neys in tech.

An opportunity for women working in all areas of the immersive tech sector to come together, build networks, support, and inspire each other. Please join us at this free event to –

Hear from a range of speakers (see details below) working in the immersive and tech sectors who will share the journey they have taken in their career and the challenges they have faced along the way

Take part in a facilitated panel discussion and Q&A to discuss the support that is needed to promote women into jobs in immersive tech and steps we can take to make lasting change

Network with other inspiring individuals

The presentations and panel discussion will take place from 10am – 12pm. We will then take a break where lunch will be available to buy from the café, before a premiere screening of content designed and created by young women on the Game Changer programme.