Talks & Seminars

What if...?

Seeds of Tomor­row Grow­ing Today. Join us online or in-per­son in Bris­tol for a night of explo­ration into the world of com­mu­ni­ty tech and art!

- Are you a community activist curious about how creativity and tech can help you achieve your aims?
- Are you an artist interested in what happens if you mix tech, art and community?
- Are you a researcher exploring art, technology and social action?

What if...? is a collective exploration of community tech plus arts. A place to grow connections and be inspired by the seeds of possible tomorrows happening today. The evening includes free dinner (vegetable dahl and flatbreads) provided by Square Food Foundation - donations welcome.

Join us online or in-person at KWMC (South Bristol) to be inspired by demos, talks and drop-ins:

- Explore practices of community tech from Brazil - from open-source software movements to recent co-designed games.
- See how arts practices can shift our relationships with technology. Get hands on with robots and more!
- Share your What if...? imaginings and be part of shaping our new series of KWMC workshops, upcoming creative commissions and meet-ups to connect art and tech in communities.