Images from Zoma Museum
Workshops & Courses

We Are Family: Zoma

Let’s Make Art wel­comes every­one to a day of work­shops explor­ing Zoma Muse­um and School through pat­tern, shape, tex­ture, touch, smell and sound.

Opening Times
11:00 – 16:00
Zoma Museum and School in Addis Ababa is a place where children learn through making connections with the land and with each other. It has been imagined and brought to life by Meskerem Assegued and Elias Sime. In this special green pocket of the city nature is a teacher, a safe place and a grounding force. The buildings are covered with detailed organic patterns made with cob which act as a visual way to tell stories, not just a building material.

In July 2023 Let’s Make Art travelled to Ethiopia with Arnolfini and ran workshops with the children at Zoma School. We will be sharing some elements of these workshops in our Bristol workshops at Arnolfini this half term.
Images from Zoma Museum