Copyright Steve Tanner width 1440

The Last Weekend

Cel­e­brate the Bar­bara Hep­worth exhi­bi­tion and its con­nec­tions to Cor­nish cul­ture with a 3 day fes­ti­val of per­for­mance, talks, work­shops and more

The Last Weekend celebrates the exhibition Barbara Hepworth: Art & Life and its connections to Cornish culture with a three-day festival of performances, talks, workshops and more. The event celebrates Barbara Hepworth as a key figure in the local community and delves deeper into intangible Cornish Culture and heritage, shining a light on under-represented and diverse voices in Cornwall.

Join us on Saturday and Sunday afternoon for RE:VOICE – the world premiere of a new co-created participatory theatre show by Director Agnieszka Blonska. Supported by with imPOSSIBLE Producing, Choir leader Victoria Abbott and an incredible 35 person strong choir of local singers. The performance is part of a major European project led by Falmouth University exploring cultural traditions in Cornwall and other regions in Europe which asked how living heritage can be made vital and resilient.

We’ll be platforming new voices and perspectives from the Tate Collective Producers young people's group, and through specialised gallery talks.

Families can enjoy our art explorer activities. Look Groups from across Cornwall will also be involved, come and find out how to join one near you.
Copyright Steve Tanner width 1440