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THE FARM performed by Marcus Vergette and his Band

Join Sound and Silence exhibitor Mar­cus Ver­gette and his band for a spe­cial live per­for­mance of THE FARM in MAKE South­west­’s Jubilee Gallery.

Opening Times
19:00 – 21:00
Written and led by musician and sculptor Marcus Vergette, THE FARM comprises a group of connected vocal compositions that paint a portrait of Vergette's farm in Devon, where he has lived for the past 35 years.

THE FARM incorporates multiple field recordings, taken from the local area, with live performance, drawing inspiration from Marcus' many years of working, observing, and trying to increase the biodiversity on his farm.

The two 45-minute sets feature sounds such as a hoverfly pupae stridulating, 15th century church bells ringing, the dawn chorus, rain, a country auction, hay being cut, and wood splitting.

This special performance will feature one of Marcus’ plaster bell exhibits featured in MAKE Southwest's Sound and Silence exhibition.

There will be a short interval during the performance with refreshments available.

THE FARM features:

Marcus Vergette - Bass & Bandleader

Nel Hubbard, Jessica Wynn-Jones, and Lucy Foat - Vocals

Jem Fatna - Percussion

Steve Buckley - Alto Saxophone & Penny Whistle

Lyrics by Kate Westbrook, Ted Hughes, and P. E. Mondjegou

Marcus Vergette has founded a new Devon record label, Nightjar Records. For more information please visit: