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Plymouth Undokai Project Conference

We invite you to join us for a con­fer­ence explor­ing play­ful and demo­c­ra­t­ic game design, cum­mu­ni­ty owned events and the sys­tem need­ed to sup­port them.

We're delighted to be working in collaboration with Barbican Theatre on the UK and European premiere of the Future Undokai project happening from the 24-26th November. As part of the wider project, we invite you to join us for a conference exploring playful and democratic game design, community owned events and the systems needed to support them.

During this one day conference we will be exploring our Japanese partners' technical and creative leadership in new digital and physical community gaming. Alongside this we will be getting to grips with how traditions could evolve as Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths meet traditional cultural events.

The Future Undokai Project is a groundbreaking Japanese initiative exploring the future of intergenerational community sports and how communities might design new multi-player physical games. It embeds playful digital technology into physical multigenerational gaming. And Plymouth is home to it’s UK & European premiere.

This one day conference is an opportunity to hear from five leading Japanese experts, whilst they are here in Plymouth and then experience the process for yourself as DeveloPlayers or participants in the Future Undokai event.
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