Sonya Dyer: hybrida composita
What will the waters of Plymouth Sound look like in the future? Which creatures will survive and how will they adapt?
This new sculpture by artist Sonya Dyer imagines a creature found in Plymouth’s waters many centuries from now.
'hybrida composita' is a hybrid sea creature, created by Dyer after she studied The Box’s critically endangered and near extinct marine specimens, all of which were collected, documented and preserved by scientists over a century ago.
Dyer’s practice explores questions about survival in a future world affected by ecological disaster. 'hybrida composita' features a display case designed to mimic the traditional displays found in the collections, inviting us to think about how museums preserve, catalogue and exhibit the past.
Open 10am-5pm Tuesday-Sunday and selected bank holidays (closed on Easter Sunday). Free. No need to book.
'hybrida composita' is a hybrid sea creature, created by Dyer after she studied The Box’s critically endangered and near extinct marine specimens, all of which were collected, documented and preserved by scientists over a century ago.
Dyer’s practice explores questions about survival in a future world affected by ecological disaster. 'hybrida composita' features a display case designed to mimic the traditional displays found in the collections, inviting us to think about how museums preserve, catalogue and exhibit the past.
Open 10am-5pm Tuesday-Sunday and selected bank holidays (closed on Easter Sunday). Free. No need to book.