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Workshops & Courses

Operation Earth

Join Exeter Sci­ence Cen­tre and take part in Oper­a­tion Earth, an excit­ing new fam­i­ly show explor­ing the amaz­ing sto­ries and sci­ence of the environment.

Earthy is feeling a little under the weather and is going to the doctors for a check-up. Join Exeter Science Centre, along with expert scientists, as we investigate what is bothering Earthy. Become a trainee environmental scientist and help us investigate Earthy’s land, air and oceans, and see if together we can find solutions.

This show is suitable for families with children aged 6 -11.

Performances will start at 10.30am, 1pm and 2.30pm – please book a free ticket for all adults and children in your group.

Exeter Science Centre will also be running activities in the Courtyard between performances – drop by to see what’s going on.
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