InBetweeners is CAS’Associate Artist Summer Show, coinciding with Hampshire Open Studios open from 11am — 4pm.
The ‘inbetween’ is not always a space we find easy to inhabit. Neither here nor there, neither one thing nor another, it lacks the safe predictability of solid ground. And yet, if we are ready to embrace the ambiguity, it is a place of possibility, of transformation, of shifting perspectives and new horizons. Rather than shy away from this state of unease and instability, it is often the place artists choose to reside. While words can take us to known facts and finite statements, art prefers the open ended conversation, the question left unanswered, the memory that may be truth but may be fiction, or may be something else entirely. Whether dealing with personal change, environmental concerns, transcendental notions or simply the playful interaction with materials, our fifteen associate artists exhibiting in this exhibition have each embraced this open ended theme and made it their own.