Barry Kelly Satori Skies Ocean Esha 100x100cm Oil on canvas 2750

Exhibition by Barry Kelly - Satori Skies

A love­ly col­lec­tion of paint­ings by Bar­ry Kel­ly, part of a series of spe­cial exhi­bi­tions cel­e­brat­ing the gallery’s tenth anniver­sary this year.

Barry Kelly has been with the gallery for ten years and is one of their most successful young artists.

Barry continues to explore new techniques and develop his method of painting and this new collection of work portrays his love and appreciation of nature, in particular the healing properties of the ocean. This is reflected in his use of a softer palette of colour, misty pinks and gentle blues, revealing huge pastel skies that seem to go on forever, blurring the line between sky and sea, between the present and the future.

Each painting is full of expression, some joyful and exuberant, others more calm and reflective. Together they create another superb body of work by this talented artist.
Barry Kelly Satori Skies Ocean Esha 100x100cm Oil on canvas 2750