Every Breath We Take
Dorset painter Christine Allison’s celebration of the earth’s most important resource: trees.
This exhibition is Dorset artist Christine Allison’s tribute to the planet’s most important and too often undervalued resource: trees. As Christine says, “Now more than ever we need to take notice of the trees we have around us. These wonderful growing organisms are our second pair of lungs, our ventilators and our lifesavers.”
Christine started to prepare for this exhibition last year by going out with her sketchbook and drawing trees wherever she went, preparing for the large oil paintings she had in her head and her heart. “Last Christmas”, she adds, “with the help of the National Trust I planted 50 trees, one for every friend and family member on my Christmas present list. Now I am celebrating the trees around me in my paintings and drawings. I want people to wake up and notice our trees, to pay attention and care for those we have and plant more everywhere. This Easter I pledge to plant even more trees from the sales of paintings in this exhibition.”
Christine started to prepare for this exhibition last year by going out with her sketchbook and drawing trees wherever she went, preparing for the large oil paintings she had in her head and her heart. “Last Christmas”, she adds, “with the help of the National Trust I planted 50 trees, one for every friend and family member on my Christmas present list. Now I am celebrating the trees around me in my paintings and drawings. I want people to wake up and notice our trees, to pay attention and care for those we have and plant more everywhere. This Easter I pledge to plant even more trees from the sales of paintings in this exhibition.”