Talks & Seminars
Eelyn Lee - Online Talk
Online talk by film maker and co-founder of Social Art Network, Eelyn Lee
This is the first talk in CAMP's Winter Programme of online talks, loosely based around the theme of 'Resilience'.
Thursday 10 December 2020, 6.30pm - 8pm on ZOOM
Please book your ticket at https://helmtickets.com/events/6712/talk---eelyn-lee
Once you've booked, you'll be sent the zoom link a couple of days before the talk.
Eelyn Lee will talk about Resilience and Radical Care in relation to her experiences of co-founding Social Art Network and her subsequent involvement in other artist’s networks. Through this, she will touch upon network building as practice, solidarity, agency and mutual support. Eelyn will also talk about how care plays out in her collaborative practice, touching upon deep listening, filmmaking and space holding. She is also interested in whiteness, institutional power and notions of ‘professionalism’, so no doubt these will also creep in 🙂 Expect: chat, film clips, openness and hopefully a few laughs.
Eelyn Lee is an award-winning artist and filmmaker who has exhibited at Barbican, Tate Modern, National Portrait Gallery, Whitechapel Gallery, Palais de Tokyo, Haus der Kulturen der Welt and at international film festivals. Eelyn’s practice combines collective research, devised theatre and filmmaking to create frameworks, for ensembles of collaborators to work together. In 2016 she co-founded Social Art Network [SAN], an artist-led network, building agency in the field of art and social practice. Eelyn is currently developing her first narrative feature film exploring Empire and race through the western and horror genres. Her latest film, Casting Fu Manchu, will be released via Chinese Art Now’s website on 1st December, 2020.
Thursday 10 December 2020, 6.30pm - 8pm on ZOOM
Please book your ticket at https://helmtickets.com/events/6712/talk---eelyn-lee
Once you've booked, you'll be sent the zoom link a couple of days before the talk.
Eelyn Lee will talk about Resilience and Radical Care in relation to her experiences of co-founding Social Art Network and her subsequent involvement in other artist’s networks. Through this, she will touch upon network building as practice, solidarity, agency and mutual support. Eelyn will also talk about how care plays out in her collaborative practice, touching upon deep listening, filmmaking and space holding. She is also interested in whiteness, institutional power and notions of ‘professionalism’, so no doubt these will also creep in 🙂 Expect: chat, film clips, openness and hopefully a few laughs.
Eelyn Lee is an award-winning artist and filmmaker who has exhibited at Barbican, Tate Modern, National Portrait Gallery, Whitechapel Gallery, Palais de Tokyo, Haus der Kulturen der Welt and at international film festivals. Eelyn’s practice combines collective research, devised theatre and filmmaking to create frameworks, for ensembles of collaborators to work together. In 2016 she co-founded Social Art Network [SAN], an artist-led network, building agency in the field of art and social practice. Eelyn is currently developing her first narrative feature film exploring Empire and race through the western and horror genres. Her latest film, Casting Fu Manchu, will be released via Chinese Art Now’s website on 1st December, 2020.