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Talks & Seminars

Ray Spence: Both Ends of the Spectrum

A talk look­ing at the process­es of wet plate col­lo­di­on and dig­i­tal infra red, with Q&A.

Wet plate collodion is an analogue process invented in 1851. It involves creating sensitised glass plates which respond mainly to the blue and ultra violet end of the electromagnetic spectrum. The latter involves the modification of a modern digital camera making it more sensitive to the red and infra red end of the spectrum. Each process has its own aesthetic which will be discussed in the talk.

About Ray Spence FRPS:

Ray Spence is a photographic artist who has had a long career as a lecturer, author, and exhibitor. Originally a microbiologist, much of his work relates to natural forms, animal, plant, and human. Ray uses a variety of photographic processes to achieve his concept of the meaning of the objects he finds and collects. This ranges from early Victorian processes to contemporary digital work. Process and concept are therefore inextricably linked. Ansell Adams once compared the photographic negative to the score in music and the photographic print as the performance. Ray’s work is distinctive in its creation and and its eventual exhibited form.
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