Harold Offeh workshop presented for East Side Projects Birmingham 2020 Image ️ Ashley Carr Banner image

Boscombe World by Harold Offeh

B.A.D. will fea­ture our major fes­ti­val exhi­bi­tion, Boscombe World, com­mis­sioned from artist Harold Offeh.

The installation invites visitors to engage with Boscombe as a place of healing and restorative care. Boscombe World will be a hub for a number of playful installations. The project hopes to provide an opportunity to reflect on the rich and complex narratives of Boscombe and challenge the reducing of places and communities to labels, like good, bad, ugly etc. It will seek to confront cliches and stereotypes and provide a platform for narratives and voices that have not been heard or marginalised.

"Boscombe World explores the area’s rich history as a seaside resort for visitors in search of health, recuperation and pleasure, brought into dialogue with Boscombe’s contemporary perception as a place for recovery, sanctuary and asylum." Harold Offeh.

Boscombe World is a BEAF 2023 Commission, supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

The preview for this exhibition is Friday 16 June, 6-8pm.
Harold Offeh workshop presented for East Side Projects Birmingham 2020 Image ️ Ashley Carr Banner image