Dor Lange 1936 Creative Commons
Talks & Seminars

Art Talk - Dust Bowl blues: Texas and Oklahoma photography, art and music

Fas­ci­nat­ing new talk with renowned art his­to­ri­an, John Francis.

The Wall Street Crash in 1929 led to a questioning of the success of the American dream. President Roosevelt stepped in with the WPA (Works Progress Administration) and the New Deal. This government initiative meant employment for over eight million largely unskilled Americans and importantly 5,300 artists. Murals, painting, photography, graphic design all flourished.

We will explore some of the key artists of the era. The abstract painters Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning will be evaluated along with the social realism of Dorothea Lange and Ben Shahn. The soundtrack of the era is provided by Woody Guthrie and Jimmie Rogers.
Dor Lange 1936 Creative Commons