Workshops & Courses

Workshop: Cyanotype

Tak­ing your inspi­ra­tion from the Hei­di Morstang exhi­bi­tion make your own Cyan­otype with guid­ance from artists Jes­si­ca Lennan and Hei­di Morstang.

Taking your inspiration from the exhibition Heidi Morstang: Field Observations make your own Cyanotype with guidance from artists Jessica Lennan and Heidi Morstang.

Cyanotype is one of the earliest forms of photographic processes, distinctive for its Prussian blue prints. The English scientist and astronomer Sir John Hershel discovered this process in 1842, but it was Anna Atkins, a British Scientist, who brought the process into the realm of photography. She created a limited series of cyanotype books that documented ferns and other plant life.

In this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn more about the process, before making your own cyanotype print, which you can take home at the end.

All materials will be provided. No prior experience or skills needed. This session is suitable for everyone over the age of 12. Children should be accompanied by an adult.

Jessica Lennan is a photography lecturer and researcher at the University of Plymouth.

Time: 12:00 – 14:00 and 15:00 – 17:00
Photography Printmaking