Veritee and Barry IC Visual Lab min

We Are Still Here, Mareike Günsche

Part of Bris­tol Pho­to Fes­ti­val 2021. The exhi­bi­tion We Are Still Here’ focus­es on indi­vid­u­als affect­ed by HIV/AIDS and their liv­ing spaces.

The project aims to counter a decline in visibility of the HIV/AIDS community by inviting the audience in to these personal spaces, which have been curated to better the mental health of their inhabitants.

Portraits by photographer Mareike Günsche will be displayed alongside images selected by the participants of objects from, and areas in, their living spaces which bring them joy .The exhibition allows the subjects to represent their own sense of place, both as individuals and within wider society. Due to stigmatisation in the past, the subjects of the exhibition may have been excluded from traditional living rooms, and there is presently a steady decline in awareness about HIV/AIDS in the public consciousness. The exhibition, and wider ongoing project from which is it drawn, affirms ‘We Are Still Here’. The project also exists online so that those within the HIV-community across the world, can add their own stories in perpetuity.
Veritee and Barry IC Visual Lab min