482 A3 A7 F 1 FCB 4608 B47 E ACBE66 AB2 FA5

Tricia Scott & Lois Wakeman: Contemporary Photography

Lois Wake­man and Tri­cia Scott are two east Devon pho­tog­ra­phers who have col­lab­o­rat­ed in the past with a shared theme.

Lois Wakeman and Tricia Scott are two east Devon photographers who have collaborated in the past with a shared theme, but in this new contemporary photography exhibition, you’ll find two very distinct bodies of work.
Tricia will be showing some new floral closeups, together with some old favourites, and Lois is showing a group of her minimalist sea and skyscapes for the first time.
Framed prints on the wall will be complemented by mounted prints and greetings cards, together with some earthenware pottery by Lois.
482 A3 A7 F 1 FCB 4608 B47 E ACBE66 AB2 FA5