Outside in a woodland. Hand holding folded sketchbook page with handwritten text, leaf rubbings and collage.
Workshops & Courses

The Art of Rewilding Workshop - Animal Tracks and Signs

Art and ecol­o­gy work­shop with artist James Aldridge using visu­al arts meth­ods to explore the rela­tion­ship between eco­log­i­cal and human well-being.

This is the first in a series of three art and ecology workshops with artist James Aldridge using visual arts methods to explore the relationship between ecological and human well-being.

Each day will focus on a different aspect of the land at Found Outdoors and introduce participants to new materials and equipment, to explore, record and share the plant and animal life found living there.

Session one - Animal Tracks and Signs - will be a hands-on exploration where you’ll learn about the diverse species thriving on-site and how they are supported and documented through the work of Found Outdoors. You’ll get up close and personal with skulls, feathers, nests, and animal tracks, and create an archive box to record your discoveries — using drawing, writing, and casting techniques.

The activities are designed to ignite your passion for both art and the environment, offering an immersive experience that blends creativity with conservation, rewilding and wellbeing.

Our time will include a mixture of walking, talking and making, with plenty of opportunity for discussion on the history and management of this rewilding site and the role of art in providing ways for us to engage with other species.

Events will be both fun and informative, with quiet time to relax and take in our surroundings.

No previous knowledge or experience is required and all materials will be provided.

Workshops can be booked singly, or together, with a discount for multiple bookings.

Workshops in this series:
Thurs 8 May - Animal Tracks and Signs
Sat 12 July - Mapping and Mark Making
Tues 23 September - Understanding Trees and Leaves

Book any two sessions - 10% discount
Book all three sessions - 20% discount