Revised NEWS BIG OPENING edited

TAAG Big Celebration Opening Exhibition

An exhi­bi­tion fea­tur­ing the work of over 80 artists to cel­e­brate the reopen­ing of TAAG’s ground floor after COVID and major refurbishment.

29/07/23 – 11/08/23
This fortnight-long exhibition marks the reopening of TAAG after almost 3 years. The ground floor has been completely remade into a flexible space that can be used for exhibitions, workshops and more. This show features the work of over 80 local artists.
We will be revealing our programme of exhibitions going forward, and our planned workshops. We will also be appealing for people to take part, to volunteer, and to donate!
Donations will help to facilitate phases 2 and 3 of the building refurbishment - ie some major roof-related works; and developing the upper floors into a large workshop and artist studios, which will ensure that TAAG remains sustainable. We already have much of the funding needed for the roof work.
Come to the opening on 29th July or any time after that to see what TAAG has to offer!
Revised NEWS BIG OPENING edited
Painting Sculpture