Workshops & Courses
Sounding the Space with Shirley Pegna
A workshop exploring sound & the spaces and materials around us
Through tuning into the spaces and materials around us, we will explore vocal sounds, and use our collective voice to ‘sing out the space’, through extending, amplifying, magnifying, dampening, reducing, clarifying, colouring.
Shirley Pegna is a musician and sound artist interested in sound as a material. Her work broadly explores sound and vibration travelling through solid matter, exploring it as a connecting agent over extreme long distances as well as more localised sounding events including within the body.
3.30pm - 5.30pm
St George’s Bristol
Great George Street
(off Park Street)
Bristol, BS1 5RR
There are a number of free tickets for those who would otherwise find it difficult to attend. Please email bristolbrunswickclub@gmail.com
This workshop is part of The Voice, a citywide project in Bristol. Check out our other workshops & events on our Headfirst home page.
This opportunity is part of the West of England Visual Arts Alliance (WEVAA), supported by Arts Council England. WEVAA is a consortium partnership of nine organisations co-lead by Spike Island and Visual Arts South West, and including the Brunswick Club, Bath Spa School of Art, Bristol City Council, Creative Youth Network, Culture Weston, North Somerset Council and UWE Bristol. This alliance is delivering a 3-year programme of activity with the aim of supporting visual arts progression in the region, and a collective vision for the visual arts in Bristol and the West of England to become more progressive, sustainable and inclusive by 2024.
Shirley Pegna is a musician and sound artist interested in sound as a material. Her work broadly explores sound and vibration travelling through solid matter, exploring it as a connecting agent over extreme long distances as well as more localised sounding events including within the body.
3.30pm - 5.30pm
St George’s Bristol
Great George Street
(off Park Street)
Bristol, BS1 5RR
There are a number of free tickets for those who would otherwise find it difficult to attend. Please email bristolbrunswickclub@gmail.com
This workshop is part of The Voice, a citywide project in Bristol. Check out our other workshops & events on our Headfirst home page.
This opportunity is part of the West of England Visual Arts Alliance (WEVAA), supported by Arts Council England. WEVAA is a consortium partnership of nine organisations co-lead by Spike Island and Visual Arts South West, and including the Brunswick Club, Bath Spa School of Art, Bristol City Council, Creative Youth Network, Culture Weston, North Somerset Council and UWE Bristol. This alliance is delivering a 3-year programme of activity with the aim of supporting visual arts progression in the region, and a collective vision for the visual arts in Bristol and the West of England to become more progressive, sustainable and inclusive by 2024.