If only I hadn't cried. (2024) 25 x 25cm [watercolour].


How can wom­en’s pain be rep­re­sent­ed in a way that pro­vokes action in the view­er and not just sympathy?

Sore is a socially engaged / research led project combining the personal experience of the artist and those of eleven other women. It explores the issues of the Gender Pain Gap (Nurofen 2024), medical misogyny (NHS Confederation 2024), the lack of funding into women's health (Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists 2024), and what this means practically for women on a day-to-day basis.
Using provocation from feminist writers such as Sontag, Scarry and Nelson, the exhibition is a study into representation of pain.
At its heart is the desire to make a difference for women who are struggling with pain and ill health.
Visitors are invited to contribute to the discussion.

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