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Shape and Form: Geometry in Art

Hid­den Gallery to host a col­lec­tion of orig­i­nal, geo­met­ric art­works on paper by some of the most emi­nent artists of the 20th and 21st century.

27/03/24 – 14/04/24
Opening Times
Sunday, 11:00 – 16:00
Mon–Tue, Closed
Wed–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
Hidden Gallery, a modern and contemporary art gallery in Bristol, has recently acquired a stunning collection of geometric artworks by a global array of household names. The artworks are on display as part of Hidden’s wider portfolio of original prints, produced by some of the most illustrious artists from the 20th and 21st century.

‘Shape and Form: Geometry in Art’ features limited-edition, hand-signed original prints by Mondrian, Albers, Riley, Calder, Blake, Stella, and Vasarely. Spanning from the birth of the 1960s Op Art movement to the present day, these rare prints explore the endless compositional possibilities of the humble square, circle and oval.

Across the 20th Century, artists began experimenting with shape and geometry to re-invent the definition of what art can be, resulting in the development of the abstract genre. Bridget Riley used shape to push visual boundaries; the interlocking and rhythmic shapes of her hand-signed screenprint ‘Frieze’, exhibited as part of the collection, appear to oscillate before the eye.

Another highlight of Hidden’s new collection is a stunning duo of original screenprints by the master of abstraction, Mondrian. These artworks originate from the revered 1967 portfolio ‘A Portfolio of Ten Paintings’ which features ten of the artist’s most influential works. Published in an edition of only 150, a full set of the screenprints is owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The artworks, which are available to buy, will be exhibited at the gallery located in the gorgeous Clifton Arcade, just a short walk away from Bristol’s famous Suspension Bridge. Alongside the exhibition Hidden will show hand-signed works by many artists including Warhol, Emin, Matisse, Miro, Picasso and more.
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Curating Printmaking