Fig 45 Barbara Hepworth Sculpture with Colou width 1440 1
Talks & Seminars

SEMINAR: Revisiting Modern British Art

Join us at Tate St Ives for this excit­ing sem­i­nar show­cas­ing new per­spec­tives on mod­ern British art and artists.

This event celebrates and dives deeper into the new research and scholarship revealed in the book 'Revisiting Modern British Art' edited by Jo Baring, Director of The Ingram Collection of Modern British & Contemporary Art.

Hosted at Tate St Ives in connection with the exhibition Barbara Hepworth: Art & Life the keynote talk on Friday will be given by Aindrea Emelife, independent curator and art historian. Saturday will feature research and discussion with independent writers and curators from key institutions; Harriet Baker, writer and critic, Laura Smith, Director of Collection and Exhibitions at The Hepworth Wakefield, Elena Crippa, Senior Curator Modern and Contemporary British Art at Tate Britain and Jo Baring, curator, writer and Director of The Ingram Collection.

Refreshments and lunch provided.
Fig 45 Barbara Hepworth Sculpture with Colou width 1440 1