Dilyana Imandieva 5 am ink and watercolour 29 x 21 cm

Sees and Seas

Solo exhi­bi­tion by Dilyana Imandieva

22/03/22 – 28/03/22
Opening Times
Sunday, 10:00 – 15:00
Monday, Closed
Tue–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
Opening view: Tuesday 22 March, 6 - 8 pm

Using watercolours, inks and oil paints, Dilyana is versatile in her responses to local landscapes and other subject matter. As an experienced teacher she takes a creative approach to her own artwork and describes her work as dynamic and buoyant.

Please note: early closing at 3 pm on Sunday 28 March.

Born in Bulgaria, Dilyana was awarded her MA in Pedagogy of Art at St Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia in 2002. Since 2016 she has taught at a number of schools across south Devon.
Dilyana Imandieva 5 am ink and watercolour 29 x 21 cm
Drawing Painting