Peach Melba Website Featured Image

Peach Melba

Peach Mel­ba is a new RIPE exhi­bi­tion which brings togeth­er RIPE alum­ni to pro­duce a new exhi­bi­tion of col­lab­o­ra­tive activ­i­ties and outcomes.

Peach Melba is a short-term residency project that aims to encourage artistic and professional development through a series of skill sharing activities.

For this second Peaches project the Ripe Peaches, who exhibited at the Alfred Arcade last summer, will reconnect and develop both individual and collective outcomes, culminating in a group exhibition at the Alfred Arcade on Old Northam Road in June 2022.

The project is a hybrid of digital and physical exchanges and art-making, and provides participating artists with the opportunity to remain connected and optimistic in this new, difficult and digital time, and further build on their connections made last year as recently-graduated artists.

Join us for our launch event on Friday 10th June 6pm – 10pm at Old Northam Road. You can get your free ticket here

For those who are unable to visit the exhibition IRL, we will also be launching the exhibition online on our YouTube channel