Open Rehearsal
Talks & Seminars

Open Rehearsal: The Piano and How It Goes

Robert Taub is offer­ing a pub­lic rehearsal, to give a unique insight into how a pianist rehears­es. There will be a Q&A ses­sion as part of the event.

How does a pianist get the most out of a piano - the widest spectrum of sound, the widest pallete of mood and character? When learning a piece, how does the music speak to a pianist, particularly the music hand-written by the composer?

Most of the time a pianist rehearses alone, but this evening Robert Taub is offering a public rehearsal, one in which he will try out musical passages in different ways, discuss interpretive decisions about certain passages, and share thoughts about interpretive clues that composers reveal in their own personal musical handwriting. In addition, there will be a Q&A session as part of the evening.

Join us for this unique event, which is a preview of the programme of the Musica Viva concert on Saturday 14 October.

"It will be a special joy to share ways in which I work both at the keyboard and in thinking about music and hearing it different ways."
- Dr Robert Taub, Director of Music, The Arts Institute, University of Plymouth
Open Rehearsal