
One Ash - An Anthology

One Ash — an anthol­o­gy brings artists and mak­ers togeth­er to cel­e­brate the life and gen­eros­i­ty of one tree.

02/07/22 – 23/07/22
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, Closed
Thu–Sat, 11:00 – 16:00
Felled in 2020, the wood from the ash tree was distributed by Andover Trees United across a widespread and diverse group of artists and makers, who each applied their skills and passion to the creative process.

With the journey followed closely by local schools, from tree felling to finished product, this collection of work reveals the abundant possibility and sustenance the natural world provides us. And when combined and nurtured by the skills and imagination of artists and makers, what creative possibilities, not just this tree, but all such trees provide.

Schools involved in this project are;

Andover C of E Primary
Appleshaw St Peters C of E Primary
Vernham Dean Gillums C of E Primary
Harrow Way Community

‘One Ash’ is a ‘6 Trees & 6 Flowers’ project with a focus on sustainable forestry by Andover Trees United.