Mozart Requiem

Mozart Requiem

Join the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ply­mouth Choral Soci­ety with LEV­OWAN XII, the Diver­ti­men­to Ensem­ble and stun­ning soloists for an evening of music.

Musical Director – Dr Sean Sweeney

Accompaniment – Mary Mazur-Park

Soloists to be announced

Join the University of Plymouth Choral Society with LEVOWAN XII, the Divertimento Ensemble and stunning soloists for an evening of music.

Programme to include Mozart’s Requiem along with other choral and instrumental music.

Featuring guest choir LEVOWAN XII, the Divertimento Ensemble and 2022 BBC Young Musician Brass Final winner, Trumpeter Sasha Canter.
Mozart Requiem
Performance Sound