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Marks of Remembrance

AU Wah Yan and guest artists explore mul­ti­me­dia sto­ry­telling of a sub­ter­ranean botan­ic world through prints, draw­ings, sounds, and installations.

A Non-Solo of Au Wah Yan

“Before Non-Solo, I was always wandering along the coastline. Through Non-Solo, I realised I could go beyond the coast to be the swimmer, captain, island-hopper that I wanted to be.”

Reflections of Elaine Wong, one of the featured artists in Non-Solo 2021, in 2023

20C - a Non-Solo of Elaine Wong in association with Yarli Allison, Ivy Ma and Linda Lai (Apartment, Sheung Wan, HK)

Non-Solo is an artist-centric experimental exhibition series originally developed locally in 2021. At that time, it featured 4 artists from different creative backgrounds, presented in 4 distinctly different spaces for exhibition, and invited 13 guests to join the visual conversations. Aiming not only to showcase artworks but through present local artists’ creations, to encourage more discussions on artistic and curatorial exploration and authenticity in arts.

These projects helped the featured artists to develop a specific area of interest, which had not had a chance to explore at the specific phase of their artistic development, to be experimental with the conditions provided by the curator, and to explore elements out of their comfort zone or routine. More importantly, with the presence of guest artists' works under a related theme, in the process and exhibition, they could reflect more deeply into their areas of artistic research. These expanded scopes of visual discussion and creative associations of artworks in the final presentation designed by the curator also allow the audience to engage into the conversations through navigating and experiencing the final exhibition.

Similar to the Non-Solos in 2021, there will be one featured artist, AU Wah Yan in the proposed project, and three guest artists to join this artistic exchange. AU Wah Yan, who has just finished a year-long research project in Belgium, will collaborate with the curator to explore multimedia approaches to expand the possibilities of image and text. A fiction about mysterious botanic species under the earth, being developed, will be narrated through prints, drawings, sounds and monologues, as well as installation art. “This message was deleted” is the working title of Au Wah Yan’s Non-Solo. Imaginative characters of the botanic species under earth communicate with non-verbal messages. “Printing sounds, dancing plants” - are keywords of the approach and tone to the narrative of the stories. The telegraph plants live under the earth, whispering and murmuring. Radios crackled. Networks tunnelled. Sounds travelled. Voices magically transported oneself from place to place. Partners were channelled. Beyond distance. Mediums and symbols, hidden or displayed, delivering heartfelt and heartless messages, are traces of the living networks under the earth, encountering another world created by guest artists above the earth, shown on the ground floor gallery.

Three guest artists (TBC) - Jessie Tam (mixed-media painting), Liv Tsim (bio-design) , Winsome Wong (experimental documentary) - will create three pieces of artwork - a mixed media painting with the soundtrack, a lecture performance with a cooking demonstration, and a documentary about odd communications. Three distinct mediums stretch the scope of conversation and show the diversity of artistic directions in this creative project.