Osman Yousefzada and Paul Fieldsend-Danks
Talks & Seminars

Making Across Boundaries: In conversation with Osman Yousefzada and Prof Paul Fieldsend-Danks

Join us to explore the mak­ing of the exhi­bi­tion Osman Youse­fza­da — When will we be good enough?’

This is an exciting opportunity to find out more about Yousefzada’s art practice through Prof Fieldsend-Danks' experienced perspective. Together they'll explore how Yousefzada developed this exhibition and why he combined historic objects and film footage from The Box's collections and his own hand-crafted tapestries, busts, ceramic and glass sculptures.

Yousefzada’s unique practice crosses time, space and materials. Described as collage-based and trans-disciplinary, the sculptural installations he creates push boundaries, developing perspectives on questions of power, colonialism, class and race.
Osman Yousefzada and Paul Fieldsend-Danks