Liquid Emulsion handprint
Workshops & Courses

Liquid Emulsion Workshop

Come and learn the won­der­ful art of Liq­uid Emul­sion in our com­mu­ni­ty darkroom!

Liquid Emulsion is a process of painting on photosensitive chemistry onto any suited surface (ceramics, wood, even cheese!) and then using a darkroom enlarger to make a photograph on that object.
We start with paper - learning painterly techniques to mark photosensitive areas, and then try our hand at printing, and the interesting and peculiar results we can achieve!

We welcome anyone to bring an object that might work well for a black and white print and we can work out the challenges of the object! It has to fit under an enlarger and the surface has to be able to take the chemistry without it absorbing in or slipping off!

This workshop is so creative and creates some wonderful results. Just being some black & white negatives, your curiosity and a potential something to print on!
Liquid Emulsion handprint