Wet plate 2022 july S
Type Logo simple NTRED
Artist Studio

Negative Thinking CIC

Neg­a­tive Think­ing CIC is a com­mu­ni­ty dark­room and pho­to­graph­ic stu­dio teach­ing his­toric & alter­nate process and ana­logue print­ing techniques

Negative Thinking CIC has a mission of sharing the knowledge of darkroom practices and alternate photography processes that are on the edge of becoming an endangered. Tim Pearse is in the Guild of Master Craftsmen and teaches workshops at a base rate as well as one to one sessions. He is a master printer for professional photographers. We want to build a tangible community of folk who crave time away from screens to make handmade photographic artwork, with consistent support from ourselves and other members.
Wet plate 2022 july S

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