Paradiddle Poster Master Redruth

Liam Jolly and Krystle Patel present: Pa-ra-did-dle

A col­lab­o­ra­tive exhi­bi­tion explor­ing ideas around what it is to be present through uncer­tain­ty and valu­ing process over final product.

Come join us for the opening reception of the Cornish iteration of 'Pa-ra-did-dle' a collaborative exhibition by Liam Jolly & Krystle Patel.

Show open Sat & Sun 11-5pm. Opening reception/drinks and chats from 5pm on Saturday 11, come join us, all are very welcome.

Pa-ra-did-dle is a project by Krystle Patel and Liam Jolly. One based in London, the other in Cornwall. Until recently when showing this at Turf Projects in Croydon the pair had never met in person but have collaborated to produce this project exploring ideas around what it is to be present through uncertainty, valuing process over final product, and resulting in this dual site exhibition. This is now the Cornish version.

Initially introduced at random for The Exchange, an online arts exchange programme set up by East Side Projects in Birmingham – and as a consequence of previous failed pairings – they took instant joy that chance had thrown them together, only to discover deep rooted similarities. These were not just specific to the way they approached and thought about their work, but also involved their interests, and specifically their relationship and experiences with beats, rhythms, sound and music.

Both described the feeling of those fleeting moments when a relationship between things in a particular time and space come together to make sense, and sometimes don’t. They believe these experiences to be wholly personal and beyond control. Slippage’s between layers of consciousness within an instant, that encourage focus on the value of one’s momentary presence and contentment. A quiet internal pleasure.
Sharing material over several months - captured from isolated and personal, yet otherwise quite insignificant moments via text message - a dialogue composed of image, text and sound has evolved into a language enabling the pair to focus the work around ideas of coincidence, beats and bonds, that has resulted in the creation of an installation that presents an environment featuring of many of these interrelating rhythms.
Paradiddle Poster Master Redruth