Lawrence Abu Hamdan 45th Parallel Spike Island 12

Lawrence Abu Hamdan The 45th Parallel

Artist Lawrence Abu Ham­dan show­cas­es his major new film at Spike Island, telling the sto­ries of per­me­able bor­ders and imper­me­able laws

A major new film commission by Lawrence Abu Hamdan focusing on the Haskell Free Library and Opera House – a unique municipal site between the jurisdictions of Canada and the USA. Telling stories of permeable borders and impermeable laws, the work reflects on how free movement, free knowledge and free space are under threat.

Commissioned by Spike Island, Bristol; the Toronto Biennial; Mercer Union, Toronto; Sharjah Art Foundation; and the Western Front, Vancouver. Produced by LONO Studio and supported by Arts Council England and the Ford Foundation. The exhibition is part of the West of England Visual Arts Alliance programme, supported by Arts Council England.
Lawrence Abu Hamdan 45th Parallel Spike Island 12