Painting of a view of the Quantocks from the Blackdowns by Adam Grose

Landscape: An Artists Perspective

The exhi­bi­tion aims explore the intri­cate con­nec­tions between land­scape and artis­tic cre­ation, offer­ing a cap­ti­vat­ing dis­play of draw­ings & paintings.

05/02/25 – 29/03/25
Opening Times
Sun–Tue, Closed
Wed–Thu, 10:00 – 16:00
Fri–Sat, 10:00 – 13:00
The showcase will offer a tapestry of interpretations through the art of Jenny Graham (RWAAN), Liz Gregory, Adam Grose (RWAAN), Keith Crocker, Leo Davey and Fritz Duffy.

Visitors have the opportunity to explore a diversity of landscape art, appreciating a myriad of forms and expressions, its enduring beauty and the endless possibilities landscape holds for artistic inspiration.

The opening times listed do not also include access via events running on Friday and Saturday evenings with live music.

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