Painting of a view of the Quantocks from the Blackdowns by Adam Grose

Landscape: A New Perspective

The exhi­bi­tion aims explore the intri­cate con­nec­tions between land­scape and artis­tic cre­ation, offer­ing a cap­ti­vat­ing dis­play of draw­ings & paintings.

05/02/25 – 29/03/25
Opening Times
Sun–Tue, Closed
Wed–Thu, 10:00 – 16:00
Friday, 10:00 – 13:00
Saturday, 10:00 – 16:00
The showcase will offer a tapestry of interpretations through the art of Jenny Graham (RWAAN), Liz Gregory, Adam Grose (RWAAN), Keith Crocker, Leo Davey and Fritz Duffy.

Visitors have the opportunity to explore a diversity of landscape art, appreciating a myriad of forms and expressions, its enduring beauty and the endless possibilities landscape holds for artistic inspiration.

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