Landlinks Walking Pages James Aldridge

Landlinks 1 & 2

Ground Works exam­ines our col­lec­tive response to land­scape and place, how we react to exte­ri­or spaces and the impact of our chang­ing environment

17/06/21 – 27/06/21
Ground Works will be welcoming artists and writers whose inspiration and concern is for our landscape and environment. It is the umbrella for two projects called ‘Landlinks’ and ‘Earthbound’, exhibitions and linked events in the new Three Storeys Nailsworth.
The exhibitions and events aim to examine our collective response to landscape and place, how we react to exterior spaces and the impact of our changing environment. Through engagement with various art media, practises and approaches, we wish to encourage discussion and observation between artists and community.
Exhibition 1
EarthBound - featuring new works by Artist/papermaker Jane Ponsford and ceramicist/curator Kim Norton. Their unique collaboration resulted in unexpected responses to their local landscapes. The studies and resulting objects, artefacts and pieces represent an artistic conversation about ‘Earth’ with each exchange signifying the contributor’s counterpoint and response to the previous statement. Meet the Artists over the weekend of 26 & 27 June.
Workshop with Jane Ponsford on Monday 28 June

Exhibition 2
Landlinks – The unattached landscape. ‘Landlinks’ represent work made by over 20 walking artists and was synchronised to take place over several continents.
Artists responded to a ‘time/distance walking script’ - adhering to various ‘prompts’ that governed their progress and choices, forcing them to let go of the desire to find the definitive subject and to leave that choice to chance – films, 2d & 3 D work on display.
Landlinks Walking Pages James Aldridge