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L.C. Hess - Retrospective

Per­ma­nent Art Exhi­bi­tion in the Meta­verse ArtSpace

21/05/23 – 02/12/23
L.C. Hess was an Austrian artist, German expressionist and member of Juryfreie in Munich. He was born in Bozen in 1895 and he died in Schwaz in 1944.

This permanent exhibition is a retrospective of his work from the private collection of one of his heirs.
From his early pencil sketches until his later oils, L.C. Hess depicted his life through the horrors of the two World Wars.
Because of his affiliation with the Juryfreie, Hess flew from Nazi Austria and found an inspiring space in Sicily, where his sister resided.
Little of his works have reached us. Most of them were destroyed in the arson by the Nazis of the Glastpalace in Munich in 1931.

Please enjoy the exhibition in our ArtSpace in the Metaverse. Open 24/7.
You can explore it with any operational system, browser or device. And you don’t need a headset kit to walk in and explore it. You can use your personal avatar to walk in this art exhibition in the Metaverse ArtSpace.
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