Portrait painting of a man in regal costume with long curly brown hair

After Sedgemoor: Remembering the Monmouth Rebellion

An exhi­bi­tion mark­ing the 340th anniver­sary of the Mon­mouth Rebel­lion that will explore its trag­ic consequences.

‘After Sedgemoor’ marks the 340th anniversary of the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685. The exhibition explores the rebellion’s tragic consequences and how they have been remembered by later generations.

The rebellion has a fundamental place in the story of Somerset and of Taunton Castle which is indelibly linked to the Monmouth Rebellion as the setting for Judge Jeffreys’ Bloody Assizes.

At the centre of the exhibition are two nationally important paintings, kindly being loaned by the Tate and Manchester Art Gallery.

This exhibition is free, drop in.
Portrait painting of a man in regal costume with long curly brown hair