Gurinder Sandhu - Landscapes
Solo Exhibition in the Circular ArtSpace Metaverse
Gurinder was born in a Punjab village (India) and came to the Uk with his family in the 70's. He studied Science in a Polytechnic but later in life became interested in Photography. He is self taught and appreciates great Painters (Turner, Claud Lorrain etc) and great Cinematographers (Freddie Young, Gregg Tolland and many more).
The entirety of his work can now be admired in the Circular ArtSpace Metaverse from the 30th of October to the 13th of November 2023.
Please follow the link to explore the exhibition with your avatar and interact withh the artist and other visitor.
You do not need a VR headset kit. You can use your computer, tablet or smartphone
The entirety of his work can now be admired in the Circular ArtSpace Metaverse from the 30th of October to the 13th of November 2023.
Please follow the link to explore the exhibition with your avatar and interact withh the artist and other visitor.
You do not need a VR headset kit. You can use your computer, tablet or smartphone