Genius Loci
Ten artists explore sensations of landscape
Bridport Arts Centre is delighted to present Genius Loci, featuring paintings by Katie Barons and Luke Mintowt-Czyz, tutors at Arts University Bournemouth, and Sonic Camouflage, an improvisational sound collaboration between students and tutor from the AUB Fine Art Degree; Eden Alarcon, Sophie Baudains, Jovita Bhengra, Jessica Brauner, Lauren Nulty, Indra Nyquist, Taylor Stankowski and Richard Waring.
This exhibition reveals how ten artists explore their sensations of landscape. How are experiences of sensing the character of a landscape transformed into a painted surface or a sonic action? How does the person’s diverse knowledge of that place inform the artwork?
Katie Barons is an artist who is fascinated by sensations felt when immersing herself in nature and the process of transforming these sensations using paint. The series of paintings in this exhibition are derived from Hengistbury Head, a headland which wraps around Christchurch Harbour not far from Bournemouth.
Luke Mintowt-Czyz’s work uses the physicality of paint in response to a number of competing tensions on Bournemouth beach where polarities of young and old, rich and poor, lonely and connected, health and illness, extravert and introvert, coalesce on the seashore each summer in a writhing bodily mass.
Sonic Camouflage is a series of collaborative improvisational sound workshops which took place in Zarka village on the Greek island of Evia, in response to an ancient whistling language called Sfyria. Allegedly evolved to evade capture by an enemy by disguising the human voice as birdsong, this language is still in use on the island and is listed as critically endangered by UNESCO.
Preview: Thursday 13th July, 6-8pm, including artist's Q&A session.
Gallery open: 10am - 4pm | Tuesday - Saturday.
This exhibition reveals how ten artists explore their sensations of landscape. How are experiences of sensing the character of a landscape transformed into a painted surface or a sonic action? How does the person’s diverse knowledge of that place inform the artwork?
Katie Barons is an artist who is fascinated by sensations felt when immersing herself in nature and the process of transforming these sensations using paint. The series of paintings in this exhibition are derived from Hengistbury Head, a headland which wraps around Christchurch Harbour not far from Bournemouth.
Luke Mintowt-Czyz’s work uses the physicality of paint in response to a number of competing tensions on Bournemouth beach where polarities of young and old, rich and poor, lonely and connected, health and illness, extravert and introvert, coalesce on the seashore each summer in a writhing bodily mass.
Sonic Camouflage is a series of collaborative improvisational sound workshops which took place in Zarka village on the Greek island of Evia, in response to an ancient whistling language called Sfyria. Allegedly evolved to evade capture by an enemy by disguising the human voice as birdsong, this language is still in use on the island and is listed as critically endangered by UNESCO.
Preview: Thursday 13th July, 6-8pm, including artist's Q&A session.
Gallery open: 10am - 4pm | Tuesday - Saturday.