Workshops & Courses
Flag making workshop- Led by Artist Huhtamaki Wab
For the workshop he will lead a flag making exercise using recycled textiles
“Huhtamaki Wab’s practice often features asemic writing. (writing without meaning) He adopts this technique as a personal reflection on his mixed heritage, feelings of un- belonging and a communication of using this space as one of creativity and new cultural possibilities. This writing often features within his work through flags.
For the workshop he will lead a flag making exercise using recycled textiles. As a group we will consider the changing identities of the rural landscape and what kind of messages/symbols we could communicate to represent this but also how these could be used to inform future generations in an increasingly turbulent world.”
For the workshop he will lead a flag making exercise using recycled textiles. As a group we will consider the changing identities of the rural landscape and what kind of messages/symbols we could communicate to represent this but also how these could be used to inform future generations in an increasingly turbulent world.”