Fiction Machines
Talks & Seminars

Fiction Machines IV

Fic­tion Machines focus­es on meth­ods of fic­tion and per­son­i­fi­ca­tion with­in art prac­tice research.

For this iteration of Fiction Machines we are interested in methods of fiction and personification within art practice research to engage with, and give voice to, more-than-human lifeforms and materials.

In the symposium we ask: How have artists worked with voices entangled with the earth and materials, our technologies, instruments and waste? Beyond data, what rituals, affinities and subjectivities are emerging for relating to climate? How are non-human collaborations and speculative machines re-imagining the human and planetary? And what is at stake in personification and voicing – who is speaking for whom and is anyone or anything listening?

Symposium Strands:

Agencies of land as material: soil as material evidence; toxicity; underground life, plants, fungi and communication networks; nuclear waste and e-waste; mythology, extraction and colonialism; animated lands; agropoetics; food ecologies.
Climate rituals: critical sensing; non-data based approaches to climate justice, communication or measurement; personifications or invocations of climate; human/more-than-human affinities; bodies, desire and ecoqueer practices.
Machine futurisms: giving voice to speculative forms of machine that re-imagine technological relations with human and non-humans; speculative subjectifications; sci-fi and alien weirdness; non-western and postcolonial futurisms.
Personification and voicing as method: ventriloquism; critical reflections on speaking for/as/with/through other things; noise; AI; deep listening; indigenous epistemologies and cosmologies; narratives of resistance.

Keynote: Linda Stupart

Linda Stupart is an artist, writer, and educator from Cape Town, South Africa. They completed their PhD at Goldsmiths in 2016, with a project engaged in new considerations of objectification and abjection. They are interested in the possibilities for writing and making discrete grounded encounters with different kinds of bodies (of knowledge, objects, affect as well as corporeal bodies) as a way to think through less alienated ways of living and thinking together.

Speakers, Performances and screenings from:
Eleanor Duffin / Owen Lloyd, Nic Pehkonen, Colin Perry, Michelle Atherton, Jennet Thomas, Ami Clarke, Keira Greene, Ciaran O'Dochartaigh, Alicja Rogalska, Mariana Marangoni, Jane Topping, David Musgrave, Ada Hao, Jane Norris, Laura Cooper, Sarah Walker, Harry Meadows, Andy Weir, Charlie Tweed, Sam Wilkins, Benesek Monk
Fiction Machines