Teresa Pemberton - Living on the Edge

Exhibition - The Light Beneath

This beau­ti­ful new exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brates the poet­ic and sen­su­al aspect of paint­ing expressed by three won­der­ful women artists.

12/06/24 – 31/07/24
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, Closed
Thu–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
The Light Beneath is a lovely exhibition featuring two favourites, Teresa Pemberton and Jo Vollers and also introducing Polly Luce who is new to the gallery.

Through their depiction of light, colour and space each artist draws on their own experience and skill and the results are mesmerising. These three very talented artists show their skill at capturing light which emanates from the canvases, bringing the paintings alive. The vibrant, varied colours used and the subject matter they’ve each chosen is perfect for this time of year.

A beautifully curated and uplifting exhibition that is being kindly supported by North Devon, artisan gin makers, Atlantic Spirit.

The gallery is open Thursday – Saturday from 10am – 5pm and if you’d like to view the exhibition online please go to the website www.brownstonart.com
Teresa Pemberton - Living on the Edge